
Crohn’s disease

When someone suffers from Crohn’s disease, a chronic inflammatory disorder, the immune system in the intestinal wall causes infections in the entire gastrointestinal tract. That can lead to several gastrointestinal complaints which occur in flare-ups, alternated with periods free of complaints. Adjusted medication which suppresses the inflammatory reactions can help control the symptoms.

Remedus offers several services to increase therapy adherence and to support the patient in his or her illness:

  • Training to learn to administer subcutaneous medication oneself
  • Provide calprotectin (an indicator of bowel inflammation) tests and teach how to self test
  • A reminder service to support medication administration which increases therapy adherence and lowers the chance of flare-ups
  • Psychological support to learn how to deal with the disorder and how to manage it oneself
  • Social coaching in several topics (for example emotional impact, relations with one’s doctor, treatment perception)

Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease in which ulcers grow near the mucous membrane of the large intestine. This manifests itself in several bowel complaints, but complaints and infections outside of the large bowel are also possible. Adjusted medication which suppresses inflammatory reactions can help keep the symptoms under control.

Remedus offers several services to increase therapy adherence and support the patient in his or her illness:

  • Training to learn to administer subcutaneous medication oneself
  • Provide calprotectin (an indicator of bowel inflammation) tests and teach how to self test
  • A reminder service to support medication administration, which increases therapy adherence and lowers the chance of flare-ups
  • Psychological support to learn how to deal with the disorder and how to manage it oneself
  • Social coaching in several topics (for example emotional impact, relations with one’s doctor, treatment perception)

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Remedus Location

Satenrozen 17-19
2550 Kontich

Tel +32 3 870 43 90
Fax +32 3 877 85 80

Start route description

Monday – Friday

Closed on Saturday, Sunday and holidays

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